John 7:53-8:1
person who “went to his own home” were people like many of us today, more at
ease with status quo of society, they were Pharisees, those who rejected Christ
Jesus. We need to decide, to either go
“to your own home” – go your own way – or you go the way of Christ. Is it easier to go with the crowd, to go with
the flow, to be socially right, politically correct, … to be in agreement with
those who disagree with the Lord God; those who reject Jesus?
Where are you going today?
To the ease of your home and the worlds comfort ... or … up the mountain where Jesus has gone?
Can we together go up the mountain to be in prayer and with compassion to received God’s Spirit in strength and power; that we can bring others from their home and into the Kingdom of Heaven.
It may be uphill, but the view, once at the top, is glorious.
“But Jesus went …” … “But I am going …”
my house,