Acts 15:12
How long did those miracles take? I can only guess. However, if you pray one hour throughout the day, every day for a year, that would be 365 hours to pray for miracles. The Bible tells stories of instant miracles and some longer, most miracles happened fast. Jesus put the ear of Malchus back on by a simple touch, in mere seconds (John 18:10). Jesus raised a man from the dead, in the time it took to yell “Lazarus, come out!" It took Lazarus longer to walk out of the tomb, stumbling over the wrappings of death’s clothing. (John 11)
I’ve witnessed miracles within moments of prayer beginning. So, just think, if miracles take about a minute, then 365 hours of prayer would manifest 21,900 miracles a year. This I know for sure, all of us would be silent as you told us what God had done.
praying for your miracle stories,