This proverb reveals a bleak outlook on every breath one takes and the lack of there being any hope. There is no hope of anything being good. Everything is hard and no such thing as an easy button. Only lament, grief that life is hard. Then the letdown, it all ends with our last breath.
Life can be hard as the world’s proverb says. I have my list of stuff that I admit to
feeling defeated in or mad about or both.
It is hard to move on. It is a
mixture of things more than one thing that eats at us. And, yes, then we all die. However, God created us to live forever and
not a hard, bad life (John 10:10). God has
rolled out a plan, it was revealed when Jesus Christ came to us. When Jesus was
with he had come “to seek and save the lost” (Luke 19:10). I know we are lost when we see life as
pitiful and see the world through a lens of an empty heart. All we can say in life without the love of
Christ is, “Life is hard; then you die.”
That is a sad state of mind to have.
We waste a wonderful life given to us by God.
As I read the Bible I see an answer from the Apostle Paul. I am sure he thought about this, and yes he had a very hard life. Paul shared his heart with what the Holy Spirit had comforted him with, he wrote, “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us” (Rom. 8:18). It is “not worth” the effort to wallow in the bad stuff. We will see God, when we do His “glory … will be revealed in us.” That is the blessed hope! So, yes we will die, but there is a glory, which is being with God in what is our true home.
Do you believe that God, Christ Jesus loves you and came
for you? Then confess him to others,
pray and ask for his comfort. Then, live
a life that is good and full of hope in Christ.
As you do, “rejoice and be glad and
give him glory!” (Rev. 19:7) As God
answers your prayer His Spirit comforts you in the world we live, where “life
is hard,” but, note hopeless.
I love you,
Owen <><“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Rom. 8:38-39).