Monday, May 9, 2011

All Dogs Go To Heaven

"Come to me, … ”  Matt 11:28a

Billy Graham once said that “God will prepare everything for our perfect happiness in heaven, and if it takes my dog being there, I believe he'll be there.”  I’m not sure of Biblical support for that, but I hope my dogs—Boomer, Murray, and Zoë (Golden and Labrador Retrievers)—will all be there, if so, Boomer & Murray are waiting.

Although a great dog, I do admit, Zoë (her name is a Greek word, meaning Life) pushes her luck with me at times. I will call her, “Come Zoë.”  She’ll glance my way then amble off in another direction, as if she didn’t here me.  She probably knows I’m gentle and humble in heart towards her, so doesn’t cower in fear; then, I’ll take a few steps toward her and cheerfully say, “Let’s go”, and she comes. A game with her, I guess.

Jesus calls to us, “Come to me. Then, he adds, “all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” and he assures us that he is “gentle and humble in heart” and desiring that we “will find rest for your souls” (Matt 11:28-29).  Ask yourself, “Do I look toward Jesus, then pretend I didn’t hear him?”  Why would you ignore the life, the Zoë, he has for you?  We’re just like Adam and Eve.  They hid from the Lord when they heard the “sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day” (Gen 3:8).  God came walking to them, seeking them, “in the cool of the day,” that wonderful time of rest.  Just like Zoë, people hear the Lord call out, “Come to me,” but, we turn the other way like we didn’t hear.  You may ignore the Lord, thinking you’re well hidden; but, there in hiding, there is no rest … is there?

The thing about dogs is they may wander away, but always come to the Master.  We all wander away from the Master, even after hearing him say, “Come to me.”  Then act as you didn’t here the Master. Why is he calling you?  He is offering you a treat, His peace, eternal rest without condemnation, if … if, you’ll just “Come.” 

No Games, Let’s Go,

Owen <><

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