Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Chimayó Healing

I recently I was in a favorite place.  A place on a simple two-lane back road, in a land dried and parched by drought, among a people of simple means.  Yet, as my journey took me down a narrow roadway, my heart was enriched by a people’s culture, and a sandy, dry spring.  This place is one I need to be at more, to sit and think, indeed to pray and embrace the living well.

That place?  Oh, it is a small, new church in the dusty, small, New Mexico, village of Chimayo.  In the dusty village is a church, El Santuario de Chimayó, which has been a parish church for a mere 200 years, unlike the established, older 300 year old church body in a nearby village.  The older church’s parishioners volunteer as guides, to answer questions and assist gawkers like me and the families coming on pilgrimage to this sanctuary of healing.   

El Santuario de Chimayó is a church well known for miracles, in particular healings of crippling, long term health problems.  It is a place to test your faith in a church that looks rundown and in need of renovation or possibly abandonment.  

But, here is a place that wants you to pray in the spirit and to turn an attentive, spiritual ear.  Yes, you’ll hear Christ Jesus respond, he speaks and works in word and Spirit to all who ask and listen to him.  That day on my dusty, back road journey, Jesus was the same as when He traveled the narrow byways in small, dusty villages.  Jesus responds to all of us with, “the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness.”

Inside the church, I looked down in the healing chapel’s floor, I saw a hole with dry sand where a spring once flowed.  What could be “magic” in the cups of sand taken by the people?  I learned from the saintly man, who was from the old church, … it is not dry sand in a dead spring that is magic, but the spring of life that wells up through faith—bringing the miracle of Christ's healing. 

Are you in an impoverished, dry place?  Go to the living well, not to a dry hole as I looked into.  The well in Chimayó reminded me of what Jesus said, “your faith has healed you. Go in peace” (Luke 8:48).

Hearing the Good News, Embracing Christ’s healing by faith,

Owen <><

Suggested study passages:  Matt 7:13-14, Mt 9:22, 15:28; Mk 5:34, 10:52; Lk 8:48, 18:42, Acts 14:9

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