This was a very powerful moment in Paul’s life. I know you realize that by the time Paul begun
his ministry, Jesus had already ascended into heaven. Now, as Jesus “stood near,” at least twenty to
twenty-two years since the resurrection and eighteen to twenty years since Paul’s
conversion (Acts 9), his three years in Arabia (Gal. 1:16b-18), and two
missionary journeys (roughly 36-54 A.D.) before he was now in custody. But Now! Jesus stood beside him.
Then, as now, to desire Jesus to stand by your side, as
he did with Paul, is not only a longing, but a moment when He pours out encouragement
to you, acknowledges your witness of Christ, and tells you what to do next. Yes, the Lord has expectations of you. That’s what the Lord Jesus did for Paul in
the above verse.
So how does that come about? The Lord fulfills such an intense bond when through
prayer and worship as you turn yourself and determine to be in His presence. Then you are empowered to carry out his work
– this requires being in tune with God’s Spirit. ![](
Paul lived and
reminds you, as a Christ follower, “we have an obligation—but it is not to the sinful nature, to live
according to it. For if you live according to the sinful nature, you will die;
but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live,
because those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.” (Romans
Trembling and yet closer to Christ’s will,
Owen <><
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