Thursday, November 8, 2018

My Prayer, By His Power

Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts.” ~ Zechariah 4:6

I have no might or power, only my Lord's Holy Spirit can manifest a good work, indeed bring a miracle to pass.  … … I can never again pray for help that focuses on God to empower me. Never can pray that He help accomplish Christ’s work. My Lord has placed His Spirit in me and upon me to be a witness of Christ, to disciple, to love … what he has told me, a follower, to do.
I can only pray with a surrendered will and life to my Lord, in hope that He will use me as an open conduit, through which His Holy Spirit’s power accomplishes the will of the Father.

So, I pray, “Not I, not for what my will desires, but in the will and by the power of the Lord God Almighty’s Spirit that God’s will be manifest. In the Name above all names, Jesus Christ, so be it, Amen and Amen.” 

In Christ alone, a conduit of His Spirit,
Owen <><

“Father, … yet not my will, but yours be done.” ~ Luke 22:42