Daniel’s companions, when face to face with a messenger (angel) of God, were more than helpless, they were terrified. A story was similar to the shepherds who were terrified by the angels delivering the message of Jesus’ birth (Luke 2:9). Jesus promised his followers of divine encounters by the Counselor, His Holy Spirit—we’re not to be terrified like Daniel’s friends and the shepherds—Jesus lifted our spirits by saying, “do not be afraid” (John 14:25-27), just as Daniel was told (Dan 10:12).
Daniel was a humble seeker, wanting to know God better—he received an incredible answer, a divine experience. Can you imagine what would it would be like to have an angle in your presence, or better, God’s Spirit envelope you? Such an encounter—a spiritual revelation, a manifestation, or a vision—changes your thinking about a lot of things. Your faith turns into action. Your worship ignites with passion.
Daniel tells us that he, “had no strength left, my face turned deathly pale and I was helpless.” Are you a seeker of a deep, relational experience with Christ—have you ever had a divine experience?
· If your answer is yes, then you mind is transforming, your spirit is on fire to worship with passion, and your craving is to follow Christ.
· If your answer is no, but within you is a whisper wanting to shout, “Yes,” then, transform your mindset to know God better, through humility set out to follow Christ—whom, you are helpless without. Do you seek Christ for such a moment?
You can have an encounter with Jesus, because a divine presence is more than a Bible story—it is a true to life story waiting to happen. Only when you know that you have “no strength left, [your] face turned deathly pale and [know you’re] helpless” without God, can you experience an embrace of his awesome presence.
No strength left,
Owen <><
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