Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Uncomfortable Moments

We wanted to come to you—certainly I, Paul, did, again and again—but Satan stopped us.”  1 Thessalonians 2:18

We Christians sometimes become selective, we ignore what is revealed and taught in Scripture about living as a follower of Jesus—simply, some verses are uncomfortable.  We are uncomfortable with the stories of Jesus casting out demons, uncomfortable with teaching on spiritual armor used in demonic battles, and uncomfortable with Jesus declaring that “You are my friends if you do what I command” (John 15:14).  Those are superstitious topics and a narrow-minded, conditional demand.

Our tendency is to embrace the promises that give us pleasure and our perception of freedom.  We embrace only we want for a comfortable religious life.  Subjects on Satan, demons, sin, hell, obedience, etc., are not comforting.  We avoid what our time views as old school or superstitious.  We stop witnessing Christ, or stop loving others as Christ commanded.  Why?  Was it uncomfortable?

Embracing a half-faith, a half-truth, a half-demon, a half-heaven, or half of a command of Christ gives you absolutely nothing.  The apostle Paul must have been extremely uncomfortable, but he tried, as he said, “again and again” to carry out his call.   When ceasing preparation to battle demons, when refraining from witnessing Christ, when severing friendship with Christ—was it due to being uncomfortable, or was it with ease that “Satan stopped” you?

Uncomfortable, Obedient,

Owen <><  

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