Monday, February 13, 2017

Afterward You Will Understand

The night before Jesus was arrested and taken away to be crucified, He taught, embrace in a fellowship meal, and shared the first Lord’s Supper or Communion with his disciples.  Before their meal, Jesus washed his disciples’ feet, teaching them Godly leadership, born of humility.  That wasn’t an easy feeling for the disciples, their teacher and Lord was washing their feet—they didn’t understand.  Peter asked why, Jesus had a reply.

“What I am doing you do not understand now, but afterward you will understand.” ~ John 13:7

They would understand even less before the night was over, especially when he said he would leave them. Emptiness and confusion fell upon the disciples. Is this is a familiar feeling for you at times?  I admit to it; it’s not being angry, blaming God, nor anyone; you’re just confused and needing to understand the why and what now questions. 

We, as the disciples long ago, step out every day to start being the Church afresh.  It is confusing, we seem to forget Jesus’ teachings are easy and let the world’s ways press down on our shoulders.  Today as when Christ’s resurrected, Jesus gave the disciples answers and hope, as he had promised, “afterward you will understand.”  Every day we move forward serving, asking why, confused, sometimes fearful, and no, we don’t understand.  Jesus has the same answer to our turmoil, “but afterward you will understand.”
As we keep asking and doing God’s will, we understand.

Moving toward the next answer,
Owen <><

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