Saturday, April 18, 2015

LIVING LIKE JESUS—Without Belittling and Hurtful Words or Actions

I have had the pleasure of befriending and spending time with many people; a few of whom would cause “good church folk” to get all worked up over and condemn me.  I have been honored to have dined, been in the homes, and had fellowship with Hindus, Muslims (in fact one was an evangelist), Buddhist, Jews, and atheist.  I have shared meals and friendship, and attended a lesbian wedding.  I have chatted with young people who have all sorts of piercings and tattoos; with young people in the gothic culture, with some who were just plain scary and mean looking; and satanic worshipers. 

I have, in a Christlike manner shown respect to them; not that I accepted their faith, nor lifestyle.  But, there is no other way to lead one to the Lord—they must see I care, and they must hear the gospel, and that requires my open friendship with them; not avoidance and words that are hateful. 

It is similar to a Bible story, when Levi, a despised tax collector, invited Jesus and his disciples to eat at his house and Jesus accepted.  When the religious people in town saw all the “sinners” at the house, they asked Jesus’ disciples, “Why does he eat with such scum?”  But, Jesus overheard and answered them, “Healthy people don't need a doctor—sick people do. I not have come to call those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners.” (Mark 2:13-17, Luke 5:27-32 ) 

It isn’t about your dis-belief; it is all about your belief in a merciful God who by grace and love brought healing to your spirit through Christ.  This is why no one should go with out hearing the gospel form each of us.  I cannot forget that Jesus said to, "go and make disciples, (Matthew 28:19).  while doing that, use the empowerment he has given you to tell the gospel of Christ to people next door and in your home town, those folks who are like you; then stretch yourself and go to those people you don't like and honestly, you hold prejudice toward; but, the fact is, just share the gospel with anyone along the way in your life, the world (cf., Acts 1:8).    

Following Jesus, not offended by not offensive to the Christ-less,
Owen <><

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